Monday, April 22, 2013

The Beginning...

This is just a little bit of our story about how we were led to adoption. It answers some questions that people have a lot. :)

Before we married, we always talked about having kids one day. It was always in our plans. We talked about the possibility of maybe adopting one day, but that would probably be later on after we had our own kids. We knew we wanted to wait and have kids after Chris finished seminary and was in a full time ministry position. So after three years of marriage and seminary, we moved back to Alabama with the hopes of starting a family that year. Well God had other plans. Without going into a lot of detail, we knew something wasn't right. It only took one doctor's visit to hear the word I had feared- infertility. This wasn't suppose to happen to me! We had our plans, I was suppose to get pregnant that year! We began some local treatments, none successful. Next, we decided to see a specialist in Birmingham. After one surgery and a few treatments later, no progress had been made. The weekly trips back and forth to Birmingham, only to find out, the treatments weren't working were wearing on me. At this point, I was exhausted- mentally, emotionally, physically- exhausted. It was also all I could do, after each trip, returning to my job as a 5th grade teacher, to make it through the day. We decided to take a break from the treatments and continue to pray for the child we had always wanted. At the end of the school year, I lost my job along with the health insurance that was helping to pay for the doctor's visits.

At this point we weren't sure what to do. We figured I would get another job and then start the treatments up again. Again things didn't exactly fall into place the way we wanted. I didn't get a teaching job right away, so our health insurance was pretty basic. This gave us LOTS of time to pray and discern the direction God was leading us in. Of course we knew adoption was an option. For the next several months, we continued praying and we started becoming more comfortable and excited with the thought of adoption. Then in January I was hired as an Instructional Assistant at one of the schools in the same district where I previously worked. With the position came the same health benefits as before. We began thoughts of starting the treatments up again. I began remembering the heartache from before and the cost that went into each visit. After lots and lots of time praying and reading God's Word, we decided that this was not the path God was leading us down. Our verbiage began to change from "we're thinking about adopting..." to "when we adopt..." We began talking to couples we know who adopted to hear their stories and get advice from them. The one overwhelming thing I heard from everyone we encountered was DO IT! This past August we took our first step in the process by attending an informational meeting for an agency in Birmingham we were interested in using. Before the meeting, we were primarily thinking of just domestic adoption. After the meeting, we both felt completely confident that adoption was the route God wanted us on, but we also both felt compelled to go in the international direction. Since August, we have been doing lots of reading about adoption, particularly the various countries that we might choose to adopt from. After lots of research and prayer, we have chosen to begin our adoption process in Colombia!

In an upcoming post, we will share a little more about international adoption, specifically within the country of Colombia!


  1. Chris and Sallie, Thanks so much for the blog and allowing us to share the journey with you. We look forward to seeing our Lord's plan unfold and the blessings that are coming your way. Isn't it amazing how we can love a child we haven't even met yet! Love, Bob & Patti 2 Cor 4:5

    1. Bob and Patti, thank YOU for being a part of our journey! We know that this is not something we could do alone, and we are eternally grateful for friends like you who have chosen to join us in this! And yes, I am already praying for the day when we meet him/her. I get chills just thinking about it! :)

  2. Thank you for sharing your story with us. Now we can pray with you for that precious little one that will make your family complete. Coming to the decision to adopt was difficult for me because it meant I had to let go of one dream. I actually had to grieve the loss. Once I accepted God's plan, doors seemed to open up for us in ways that still amaze me. Emily is my dream come true, I just didn't get her the way I thought I would! I am excited for you and know that you both have a wonderful blessing in store!

    1. Thank y'all so much for your prayers, it means so much to us. Like y'all, we are already seeing God begin to work through this in ways that seem impossible to us! And thank you again for sharing your story with me last year. Your story along with others are part of what helped me become more "ok" with this path that God put before us! And I still can't look at Emily and not see YOU! She is definitely YOUR daughter! :)
