Monday, September 14, 2015

China: Gotcha Day!

So excited to share about our day with y'all!  Today was our "Gotcha Day." This is the term used in most adoption circles for the day that your child actually comes into your care.  We have longed for, prayed for, thought about, worried about, etc. this day for a LONG time. (2 1/2 years ago when we started our adoption).  You are given lots of scenarios for how this day may play out, but you will never know for sure until you get there.

We met our guide, Susan, in the hotel lobby at 2:30 and got in a car with her and a driver to take us to the Office of Civil Affairs, which was about 30 minutes away in the business center of the city. It sounds like the building would be a office building on the outside, but really it was just an apartment in the bottom floor of an apartment building.  We had met other families this morning at breakfast in our hotel and we knew that there would be several other families having their Gotcha Days today too.  When we arrived there were about 4-5 other families already in process of meeting their children and filling out paperwork. The room seemed very crowded, loud, and overwhelming. Kohl was not there yet and we weren't sure when he would arrive. We had been told that it seems like a huge buildup to Gotcha Day but in actuality the actual moment is very underwhelming. I have to say this is very true. For me it was both overwhelming due to the fact that there were so many people in the apartment and there was just a LOT going on all over the place and then all of a sudden in walks Kohl. He has no idea who we are and we are just going ga-ga over him of course.

Fortunately I had a dum-dum sucker and he quickly decided to become my friend! While I held Kohl Chris filled out some paperwork.  At some point, he began reaching for Chris and I handed him over. Well he has been smitten with Chris ever since!  He absolutely adores him!! He held him the rest of the time at the Office of Civil Affairs. He sat in Chris's lap the entire way back to our area of town (they do not use carseats in China). Once we were back at the hotel, we got his diaper changed and just let him play for a while in his diaper. They keep the children very bundled up here and so he and Chris were both pouring sweat when we got back to our room so I think he enjoyed airing out a bit!

Chris fed him his bottle and then we got him dressed and went down to the hotel restaurant for dinner.  He is such an awesome eater! We had no problems at all with him sitting in the high chair and he ate a big bowl of congi (really watery rice with broth and meat), some bread, and some mashed potatoes.  He was not as excited about the ice cream. We will definitely have to work on that!

After supper, we came back to our room and worked together to give him a bath.  He wasn't too sure about that and so Chris entertained him while I actually bathed him. It worked pretty well. He is now sound asleep! :)

We seriously couldn't have asked for a better day today. It is seriously such a huge blessing that he is already attaching to one of us.  Please pray that he will start to transfer between both of us.

Tomorrow we will go back to the same office and officially finalize his adoption.  Pray that it will be as smooth as today was!

This is a picture taken at dinner tonight. It was the first time he started smiling for us! I was gone to get him more food I think so I missed it, but so glad that Chris captured it! We are so in love! I am having trouble getting pictures to upload to the blog so they will be posted on Facebook on our adoption page. 

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